What is butterfly gardening? Simply put butterfly gardening is the art of growing flowers and plants that will draw in these colorful and nice animals to your garden. Please your family and visitors with beautiful butterflies, but make sure to create a safe home ground for them. If you own cats give a second thought to your plans, because it would be a shame to attract these adorable insects to their death.

The design of your butterfly garden is a thing of personal taste. Typical points to reckon are the size of your garden and the types of flowers and plants you would like to grow. Pick a style of garden that attracts you, but assure it also holds the plants and flowers that appeal to the butterflies you like to attract.

It is important to determine which plants and flowers will attract the species of butterflies that live in your area. This information can be discovered at the local library.
To produce the kind of surroundings that they find attractive, you will also need water of some kind. A birdbath will look attractive and keep the butterflies up off the ground, away from stray cats or naughty puppies. A shallow dish on a post or hung in a tree will do just as well.

When planting your butterfly garden be careful how you organize the colors you select for your flowerbeds. While butterflies do not care about your selection of color, you do not want your garden to be a patchwork of unrelated colors and textures. Butterflies are attracted to those flowers that have nectar instead of pollen, like honeysuckle, milkweed, summer lilac, Valerian, daisies, Purple Coneflower, Yellow Sage, day lilies and lavender.

Some people find it helpful to draw and color a layout of their butterfly gardening design to catch what the finished product would look like. Keep in mind that warm colors like red and orange are flashy and showy. These colors have a greater impact against a strong green background. Cool colors like blue and purple are calming and damped and would work better with a white contrast to make the look of freshness and brightness.

A lot of valuable tips and secrets how to increase the number of butterflies that linger around your garden you can discover by studying How to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden.

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