By Chad Perry

If you are one of those people who enjoys gardening and has a vegetable patch which helps to supply your household with fresh grown food, then progressing into having almost organically grown produce is not that hard, and you can purchase organic vegetable seeds to get you started.

If you have ever had the chance to purchase vegetables grown using this kind of method, especially the young and fresh kind, not those that are too old and should not be for sale, you may have noticed the difference in the taste to the conventionally grown produce.

People who grow their own or like to buy these types of vegetables, usually want them because they have been grown in a natural way without artificial fertilizers, chemicals or pesticides, and this is the way the organic grower must grow them and all the seed used for planting must be this type. The conventional grower still has a place in this world as well, as there are many mouths to be fed.

Organic growers have sometimes gained part of their knowledge from a home garden, it gave them the time needed to learn many things about this type of production. They had to find different ways of fertilizing the plants and ground and also treating the insects, caterpillars and fungus which often attacked the garden. It takes many years of abiding by the rules of this industry to become a certified grower and harvester of organic seeds. Growing this kind of produce at home does not mean years of getting there, it is probably more about being able to reduce the amount of artificial products used to grow your food.

Planting these types of seeds is just the same as planting the normal kind. The usual way of gardening is to use artificial fertilizers, and if the plants are in need of a pest treatment they generally get sprayed with artificial chemicals or fungicide. Learning about the way the organics system works and finding things that work that are natural, is about reading and learning as much as possible to get ideas that can be used in the individuals situation, as climates and soils may often be different.

This method of gardening is about the use of natural products and their well being for the soil. In the home garden the use of chicken manure from the backyard chicken shed and straw or mulch can really get the worms excited. Worms are a sign of good soil quality, they leave their castings or manure behind and this is natural plant fertilizer, seeds and plants grow well when this is mixed through the soil. Working in this way helps to change the structure of your soil a little at a time and the result will be in the vegetables you will harvest from your plants.

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