By Nash Thaxter

Your home should be your safe haven. It should provide you not only security but also a sense of serenity and calm when everything seems to be in turmoil. And that soothing ambiance is just what a pondless water feature can deliver. Why not consider one for your backyard?

This somewhat abbreviated approach to water gardening is suggested as an alternative to the set up a pond, add fish and plants approach. Yes that does sound idyllic and all. But have you considered the work involved?

You see, a pondless water feature basically recirculates water without developing some exotic ecosystem for plants and fish. For the most part your involvement, after it's set up, is to plug in the pump and then sit back and enjoy it. This may sound too good to be true but that's pretty much how these work.

You could call this the keep it simple approach to water gardening. Much like container gardening for those who want fresh produce without tearing up half their yard to put in a garden. And you'd be surprised at all the ways you can achieve this. They range from a waterfall to some sort of fountain even.

Landscapers today report that more and more homeowners are taking a serious interest in such water features. For any of the following reasons.

Soothing Sounds: There's just something about the sound of the water that sooths the soul. Even if your patio is but feet away from a busy street your splashing fountain creates white noise that drowns out the neighborhood distractions.

Safe Alternative: Unlike a traditional pond there's no standing water so you can take a deep breath and simply relax without needing to worry where your little kids have gone off to and the nagging fear of them falling to water.

Saves Space: A 10 foot by 15 foot pond may not sound like much but it can take up a lot of lawn you'd rather not devote to a pond. Yet pondless water features can be set up in the most compact of spaces. Perhaps giving you the best of both worlds.

Saves Time: The whole idea is here is to have a low maintenance water feature. And a pondless water feature is perfect for that as there is really nothing to take care of. Leaving you with all the benefits yet without any of the drawbacks common to water gardening.

So for those in search of a little stress relief in for the form of the tinkling and soothing splish-splashy sounds of water in your backyard, a pondless water feature may be the ideal solution.

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