By Daniel Wilson

Taking a saunter in your garden, looking forward to enjoying your plants, can be totaly ruined by the discovery that they are suddenly full of holes Most of these holes which have destroyed your plants are from pests. Creatures, slugs, and worms are a few of the garden pests that are the worst, as well as snails, caterpillars and even gophers.

Clearly, you want to keep your garden appearing as nice as possible, so you have to take action, but it's nigh impossible to get rid of all the pests. Insects are a dilemma simply because they can hide out under the soil, in weeds or piles of leaves. Your first line of attack must be to do away with their hiding places wherever possible. Get rid of the weeds, the old leaves, and any decaying matter that the insects prefer live in. Excavate over patches of soil and break any clumps on a frequent basis. This should help eliminate any hiding areas in the soil.

Bugs that devour your plants and diseases that disfigure and obliterate them should also be suppressed with dormant spray. February or March is a good time for this, mainly because then is the dormant time for plants. The dormant spray won't be effective unless the instructions are meticulously followed. When you do it wrong, you're liable to kill off your entire garden. Some insects are good for your garden, and you shouldn't get rid of them. You will find one more class of garden pest, that lives not on the ground but in the sky - birds. A bird feeder can be an useful replacement for the futile exercise of trying to scare them away. Let the birds eat on whatever you have inside your feeder instead of what's in your garden. It will help you save money in the long run, and become part of your yard decoration.

Despite the fact that aquiring a dog might possibly be helpful, it certainly won't fix the situation entirely. For many garden owners their unique garden pest is the gopher. The signs that they can indeed be around are dying plants and mounds of soil. Most of these little creatures certainly have learned to make a nuisance of themselves. Most of these small-tailed fellows can be white, but usually brown or black, and vary in length from 5 to 14 inches. You can catch them using traps. You ought to get good results by properly setting the traps in their tunnels. Smoke bombs tripped close to the tunnel entry and spreading throughout the tunnels will hopefully get the gophers.

Whenever pests are not done away with speedily, your garden will deteriorate rapidly. The more time they remain, the trickier they're going to be to get rid of. A back garden enhances a house when you keep it up, and keep it in good shape.

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