By Alan Stables

There are many interesting facts about bees. These little creatures have contributed to the development of mankind for centuries. They have a very special way of living in society. You will find below a series of facts that will simply amaze you.

One of the first interesting facts is about speed. It can fly up to 15 miles per hour. This allows a bee to move rapidly from one flower to another and produce a total of 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey during its lifetime. There is a large amount of work to be done in a bee hive. This is why approximately 60,000 bees can live in a bee colony at peak times.

The queen bee, which lives for about 3-4years, plays a major role in the colony. To keep her ability to mate, she has to mate within the first 20 days of her life. She can then store a lifetime supply of sperm in her theca, which she uses to fertilize eggs.

The queen bee can lay up to 1,500 eggs per day and approximately 1 million eggs in her lifetime. The only job of queen bee is to lay eggs throughout her life. The worker bees take care of all her grooming and feeding.

The drone bees' sole job is to produce sperm for the queen. They are the only male bees in the colony. They can mate after the first week of their life and will die immediately after mating with the queen. All this system rests on a very complex and symbolic language.

Throughout the year, the bee hive's temperature is kept at 93 degrees Fahrenheit. During hot periods, the worker bees will cool the temperature by using their wings as fans. This keeps the queen cool and is the reason why we often hear a humming noise when close to a bee hive. During cold periods, the bees get close to each order to preserve their temperature. The queen is always put at the center to ensure that she stays warm.

Beeswax is produced by the young worker bees. They produce it with the special glands that they have on their abdomen. The bee workers build the honeycomb using that beeswax.

The worker bee has eight paired glands on the underside of the abdomen which produces wax droplets. These wax droplets harden into flakes when exposed to air. A worker bee visits up to 2000 flowers per day to carry pollen from one flower to another. These are few facts about bees.

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