You have endless possibilities to include into your butterfly garden design. To help you get started with it following you will find a few suggestions. The idea behind is getting the creative process of your mind activated and get you started on your way to create a lovely butterfly garden.
But before you start with your butterfly garden, go and find out which species of butterflies are in your area. Take a hike around and explore your location, probably with a butterfly identification book in your hands. It takes some time as well as effort but you will appreciate the result. After you have discovered the species of butterflies, compile a list and make notes about what these specific species of butterflies use for nectar and food plants.
Also make sure that your garden is located in a way that provides a minimum of six hours of sunlight a day. As butterflies are coldblooded creatures they like it more where they are warm and sheltered.
Consider plenty of wind protection in your butterfly garden design as well, wind is the butterflies worst enemy. Arrange for example tall shrubs or other plants in a way to create a wind break, although a location that avoids heavy winds is even better.
Most desirable the butterfly garden would be located on the sunny side of the home with windbreaks on west and east sides or wherever the dominating winds come from in your area. To be able to view the butterflies lingering in your garden from indoors, try to locate it close to a window. Consider to provide some seating outside as well.
In addition and if possible, you can excavate an area in your garden and build a stone wall around it which could make a ideal shelterbelt for your butterflies. To prevent walking in mud also think of gravel or crushed rock pathways around your garden.
You will discover a lot more creative ideas for designing your butterfly garden. Just take your time to design a garden that you will enjoy and be proud of.