By Mike Brown

Get ready here it comes! Yes, spring will be here soon and, ready or not,things will begin turning green, including the weeds in your gardens! If you are like this old gardener, as soon as the weather warms and the mornings become bearable, you're out there cleaning up the garden plots and chomping at the bit to begin digging in the soil. It is time to make an accounting of your yard and gardening tools and supplies.

As we gardeners know, working in the yard or in the garden soil is a therapeutic experience. Working outdoors and digging in the soil provides exercise, quite reflection, and a feeling of being in touch with nature. There are few activities as rewarding. To make this whole experience even more rewarding, it helps to have the right gardening tools and supplies on hand. Again, if you are like me, having to interrupt working outdoors to run to the hardware store for something sort of kills the whole experience, unless you love shopping with the hordes of people!

The first place to start, especially if you are a first time gardener, is with a list. Go over the tools that you have and that are in good working order. Remember that trowel with the broken handle that you said to yourself last fall that you need to replace? Write it on the list of tools to replace. Also check your gardening supplies.

You can purchase most all of these items at any nursery or yard and garden store. Be sure to buy the best quality tools you can afford. It can be very frustrating to be working hard in the garden and have an important tool break. Not only does is interrupt your relaxing project, but it means having to go back to the busy to store to get another one.

Yes, spring is about here! This can be both exciting and a little nerve racking, especially if you are a planner like me and realize that there is only a little time left to make your gardening plans. Remember, get that tool and supply list going!

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